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Reminder to Pick-Up any inhalers or medications stored in the nurse’s office by the last day of school.

If your student has medications or medical supplies stored in the nurse’s office, please ensure you pick those up by the last day of school. We do not store medications or supplies over summer break.

Immunizations Due Over the Summer

Summer is a great time to check with your medical provider to ensure your student is up to date on immunizations prior to the next school year.

Some 5th grade students will need a Tdap booster over the summer break before entering middle school.

Religious exemptions for next school year (2024-25) are due by the 1st day of school, Thursday, August 15. These need to be updated yearly so please have your providers update those and return them.

Last, but not least, have a SAFE SUMMER!

Rachel Lund, RN, BSN, NCSN